Welcome to (not quite) Banned in Boston!

An image of Rehearsal for Life's event called "(not quite) Banned in Boston" on a purple background with red and black text. The event is on Thursday, May 22, 2025 at 7:00 pm and is being hosted at Artists for Humanity. The venue's address is 100 W 2nd Street Boston, MA. A URL for the event is included; it is BannedInBoston.org

We’re back in the spotlight! After taking last year off for some R&R at the exclusive Berkshires spa, Gala-val Rejuvenation Resort, Rehearsal for Life’s feisty fundraiser has returned to Beantown looking dewy and fresh but with that same lively spirit. Join us on Thursday, May 22, to support Rehearsal for Life’s creative youth development programs.

You won’t want to miss the debut of the revamped BIB!

Want to be an even bigger part of our event? Become a sponsor! If you’re unable to attend or want to (continue to) support our incredible programs, there’s a spot for that, too. See our available sponsorship packages below and make your contribution or pledge today!

Sponsor or Donate
Sponsorship opportunities for Rehearsal for Life's (not quite) Banned in Boston event, featuring various package options. The packages are as follows: 

Banned in Boston Sponsorship Opportunities
$50,000 Visionary package includes: “(nq) BIB Sponsored By…,” 8 Reserved Premium Seats and 6 General Admission tickets with your choice of seating style, Recognition from stage, Access to VIP After Party, Premier Name/Logo Placement, Food and beverage service to seats

$25,000 Champion package includes: “(nq) BIB Sponsored By…,” 8 Reserved Premium Seats with your choice of seating style, Recognition from stage, Access to VIP After Party, Premier Name/Logo Placement, Food and beverage service to seats

$10,000 package includes: Reserved premier table for 6, Recognition from stage, Access to VIP After Party, Name/Logo Placement, 

$5,000 Partner package includes: Reserved Premier Table for 4, Name/logo placement, Access to VIP After Party

$2,500 Friend package includes: Reserved Seating for 4, Name/logo placement, Reception with Refreshments

$1,000 Patron package includes: Reserved Seating for 2, Name placement, Reception with RefreshmentsName Placement